This story follows Geoffrey Chaucer's famous pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral in the late 1300s. It is told from the point of view of Belle, a teenage girl who joins the pilgrims to pray for her crippled father. Belle is a headstrong girl, struggling to find purpose in her life, but as she interacts with her fellow travelers, she learns the importance of friendship and family. Belle also learns about political intrigue when one pilgrim blackmails her into spying on Chaucer and others in the party.
This story is entertaining on its own, with intrigue and interesting characters. However, it is also an intriguing addition to The Canterbury Tales with more insight into the characters of the Knight, the Summoner, and Chaucer himself. My only complaint is I find it strange that Grant wrote for a young adult audience when few read The Canterbury Tales before college level English classes. Therefore, a lot of the literary allusions are lost on the intended audience. Belle and her story belong with a young adult audience, but the richness of references to Chaucer might not be recognized.