When Chevron Savano, a seventeen-year-old FBI agent, is transferred to a remote London office, she is meant to have an uneventful term of service. However, when the mysterious machine tied to the FBI's Witness Anonymous Relocation Program (W.A.R.P.) goes active for the first time in twenty years, Chevie finds herself in over her head. The machine returns a dead scientist who has been hiding in Victorian London, but it also returns his assassin and the killer's unwilling assistant.
Riley, an orphan in Victorian London, has been unwillingly apprenticed to Albert Garrick, a ruthless and professional assassin. When he turns on Garrick to save Chevie, Riley and Chevie find themselves fleeing for their lives. Their adventures take them through modern London and back to Victorian times trying to stay one step ahead of a genetically altered, superhuman Garrick. Eoin Colfer's new W.A.R.P. series is a fresh, fast-paced story with some strong and interesting characters.
Recommended ages-12 and up