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Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Karou lives in two worlds, both filled with mysterious unknowns. When asked, she can't really answer who or what she is. She was raised in the shop of the demon wishgiver known as Brimstone. With his few loyal servants, Brimstone spends his days making necklaces of teeth and gems. Human traders bring teeth in exchange for wishes, but no one knows the purpose for Brimstone's necklaces. Karou spends part of her life in the human world and the other part with Brimstone.

When Karou meets Akiva, a seraph and sworn enemy of her demon family, Karou learns answers to some of the unknowns. However, as she learns the truth about her past, she also learns of great pain in her future. Daughter of Smoke and Bone gives a unique take on the traditional war between angels and demons. The story is intriguing and the characters are complex and filled with strengths and weaknesses. I found the love story a little too mushy (a lot of gazing into eyes and feeling fire), but never inappropriate. It is a good book for fantasy readers who enjoy a lot of talk about love, but like it to stay clean.

Recommended for ages 14 and up.

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