As part of high society in turn-of-the century New York, Dacia and Lou lead typical lives. Time is filled with balls, social calls, and finding suitable marriage prospects. However, when they go to Romania to meet their relatives, life changes drastically. They find their Romanian family hides a dark and frightening secret and the family expects Lou and Dacia be a central part of that secret. Will Dacia and Lou have the strength and wit to go against prophecy and a centuries old family tradition?
Silver in the Blood combines mystery, adventure, and magic in one intriguing story. Dacia and Lou are complex characters still finding where they belong in the world. With this book, teen and tween readers will find themselves in a new world, but they will still relate to the characters and their struggles. Jessica Day George creates a magical story that remains appropriate for teen and tween readers.
Recommended ages--11 and up